

GaugeFactoryV1 is an upgradeable factory contract responsible for deploying and initializing Gauge contracts within the EYWA ecosystem. These gauges are used to manage and distribute rewards for various liquidity pools or other vote-driven incentives. The factory integrates with an Escrow Vote Manager to ensure that only the authorized vote manager can create new gauges, thus maintaining a secure and controlled environment for gauge deployments.

Key Roles and Features:

  1. Gauge Deployment: Deploys a new GaugeV1 instance as an upgradeable proxy (using ERC1967Proxy), specifying an implementation, an owner, and initial parameters for reward distribution campaigns.

  2. Access Control: Restricts createGauge calls to the escrow vote manager (s_escrowVoteManager).

  3. Upgradeable via UUPS: Uses UUPSUpgradeable and OwnableUpgradeable patterns, restricting contract upgrades to the owner.

By implementing IGaugeFactoryV1, GaugeFactoryV1 provides a standardized interface and event structure for gauge creation, enabling other contracts in the EYWA ecosystem to request new gauges securely.

Inherited Contracts and Interfaces

  • UUPSUpgradeable (OpenZeppelin): Provides upgrade functionality using the UUPS proxy pattern. Only the owner can authorize upgrades.

  • OwnableUpgradeable (OpenZeppelin): Establishes ownership and restricts certain critical functions (like upgrades) to the contract owner.

  • IGaugeFactoryV1: Declares functions (initialize and createGauge) and the GaugeCreated event. Also defines the InvalidCaller error.

Additional External References:

  • ERC1967Proxy (OpenZeppelin): A proxy implementation that stores the logic contract address in storage per EIP-1967.

  • IDistributionCreator.CampaignParameters: Used to initialize reward distribution parameters for newly created gauges.

  • GaugeV1: The gauge implementation contract being deployed as a proxy.

State Variables

address public s_escrowVoteManager;
  • s_escrowVoteManager (address): The address of the escrow vote manager contract authorized to create new gauges. Only s_escrowVoteManager can call the createGauge function.


constructor() {
  • Description: Disables initializers to prevent re-initialization in a UUPS upgradeable setup. Ensures the initialize function can only be called once.

External Functions


function initialize(address owner_, address escrowVoteManager_) external initializer
  • Description: Initializes the factory contract by setting the contract owner (owner_) and the escrow vote manager (escrowVoteManager_). This function can only be called once due to the initializer modifier.

  • Parameters:

    • owner_: The address designated as the owner of this factory.

    • escrowVoteManager_: The address of the authorized escrow vote manager contract.

  • Effects:

    • Calls __UUPSUpgradeable_init() to set up the UUPS upgrade mechanism.

    • Calls __Ownable_init(owner_), assigning ownership to owner_.

    • Sets s_escrowVoteManager to escrowVoteManager_.


function createGauge(
    address owner_,
    address eywa_,
    IDistributionCreator.CampaignParameters calldata campaignParameters_
    returns (address)
  • Description: Deploys and initializes a new GaugeV1 contract as an ERC1967Proxy, passing in the gauge implementation address, initialization arguments, and returning the newly created gauge address.

  • Parameters:

    • owner_: The address that will become the owner of the new gauge contract.

    • eywa_: The address of the EYWA token the gauge will handle for reward distribution.

    • campaignParameters_: A struct of parameters (e.g., schedule, amounts) used by the gauge for reward distribution.

  • Checks:

    • The caller must be s_escrowVoteManager. Otherwise, InvalidCaller() is thrown.

  • Logic:

    1. Deploys a new GaugeV1 implementation contract.

    2. Instantiates an ERC1967Proxy pointing to that implementation.

    3. Encodes the constructor arguments (owner, escrow vote manager address, EYWA token address, campaign parameters) for the gauge’s initialize function call via the proxy.

    4. Emits the GaugeCreated event with the new gauge’s proxy address and the gauge implementation address.

  • Return:

    • address: The newly deployed gauge proxy contract.

  • Events:

    • GaugeCreated(m_gauge, m_implementation): Indicates a new gauge contract was created.

Internal Functions


function _authorizeUpgrade(address) internal override onlyOwner
  • Description: Restricts the contract’s upgrade function (in a UUPS proxy context) to the owner, ensuring unauthorized parties cannot upgrade the factory logic.


GaugeCreated(address indexed gauge, address indexed implementation)

  • Emitted When: A new gauge contract is deployed via createGauge.

  • Parameters:

    • gauge: The address of the newly created gauge (proxy).

    • implementation: The address of the gauge implementation contract used for the new proxy.



  • Description: Thrown if createGauge is called by an address other than s_escrowVoteManager. Ensures gauge creation is limited to the authorized escrow vote manager.


GaugeFactoryV1 securely and upgradeably deploys GaugeV1 contracts under the control of the escrow vote manager. By enforcing that only the designated manager can call createGauge, it prevents unauthorized deployments while still allowing flexible, time-extended reward distribution campaigns. The combination of UUPS upgradeability, ownership checks, and a standardized creation event (GaugeCreated) supports a robust, maintainable environment for launching new gauges in the EYWA ecosystem.

Last updated