Eywa Oracle Network

Eywa Oracle Network is a distributed infinity scalable node-oracle network whose main purpose is to validate blocks with cross-chain calls. All validated blocks are written to the internal Eywa Oracle Network blockchain, which contains N+1 branches (N is the number of supported blockchains).

At the moment, the network's consensus security is ensured by the Proof-of-Authority mechanism. This means that a limited number of Launch DAO approved nodes take part in validation of the events. Once all the preparatory procedures are completed, the network will migrate to a fully decentralised Roll-DPoS mechanism. After the transition to the Roll-DPoS consensus mechanism, all willing validators will be able to participate in validation.

The node-oracle network gathers consensus on each block with cross-chain calls. Since new cross-chain call blocks are composed separately for each supported blockchain, the network can validate several blocks in parallel.

IMPORTANT: During the initial phase of Eywa CDP, it was decided to run the Eywa Oracle Network in Proof-of-Authority mode, as this will make it much easier to refine the Eywa CDP protocol in the "field." This approach will allow our technical team to collect in real-time all the necessary statistical information, will give an opportunity to make changes in the oracle node code and in the shortest time to finalize the protocol, taking into account the user feedback.

Oracle Network Blockchain

The Eywa Oracle Network blockchain consists of N+1 chains: N relaychains and one Service chain.

Each relaychain is a separate chain of blocks filled with cross-chain calls. Each relaychain corresponds to one supported source network and contains cross-chain calls only from that network. Each relaychain block contains all cross-chain calls from one source network block.

If there are no cross-chain calls in the source block of the network, no block is created in the relayhchain. Thus, if there is at least one cross-chain call in each block of source network (the Bridge smart contract event), then the rate of block creation in the relaychain equals the rate of block creation in the source network.

Service chain contains epoch blocks generated by the network when an epoch change event occurs, as well as blocks with hashes of the states of each relaychain. Each epoch change generates a new block in the Service chain. This block contains information about the number of the new epoch, the public key of the new epoch, the number of participants in the new epoch, and the hash of the transaction that initiated the epoch change.

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