Addresses of Eywa stableswap pools

The core of the system, which enables cross-chain exchange of tokens, is a system of 5 Curve stableswap pools:

  1. Factory Plain Pool: eUSDT (eUSDT-f): 0x228f20F430Fd7a6f5b1ABEA69A5AB8eB2973853c

  2. Factory Plain Pool: eUSDC (eUSDC-f): 0x6BB9a6b7066445Da6bEf268b91810aE750431587

  3. Factory Plain Pool: eDAI (eDAI-f): 0x4Df0b8323F7B6D45Abf39ECBD3F18BD5fCbcB1B2

  4. Factory Plain Pool: eTUSD (eTUSD-f): 0x6E0Dc5a4Ef555277DB3435703F0E287040013763

  5. Factory Plain Pool: EUSD (EUSD-f): 0x939721CE04332ca04b100154E0C8FCbb4EBaf695

1) The eUSDT, eUSDC, eDAI, and eTUSD pools are filled with corresponding s-tokens from different networks. The section with s-token addresses can be found at this link. 2) EUSD pools is filled with eUSDT, eUSDC, eDAI ΠΈ eTUSD tokens. The section with these e-token addresses can be found at this link.

Last updated